Eurotunnel Le Shuttle


How to book


To make a booking you need first to create an account.

Opening an account: email us at UKTRADESALES@EUROTUNNEL.COM

Existing trade account holder: Access our website and click on the TRADE tab or click here to log-in




You must use this one area to log into your account.


Once logged in, you will be able to see your account details, manage your bookings, make a new booking, view, amend or cancel existing bookings (subject to the terms and conditions of the ticket booked






For Tour Operator, Coach Operator or Business Choice Activity, once logged in, select the relevant link:


Should you have any queries regarding your account/log-in please go to our "Contact Us" tab


Please Note: If you book over the phone through our Contact Centre, you will need to verify your Account number and also your ABTA or Trade number plus the address that the account is registered to.